There has been a lot of info around on social media lately suggesting that sexual education laws are in the works. These laws would supposedly teach sexual education to children, grades k-12, about different genders and sexualities. My question is do you think that teaching young children about different genders or sexualities will sway them to maybe adapt one of those genders or sexuality or if it is something you are born with and it is inevitable regardless on what knowledge you have on the subject?
Do you think educating younger kids will help them to understand the differences in people or will it give them more ammo to bully?
First and foremost you are born female or Male, so all these different surgically induced genders are irrelevant to natural human anatomy, so why would we teach children about the choice to falsely alternate that anatomy. Secondly, I personally feel that by teaching young children that they can be any gender they want will confuse them. I'm not by any means against LGBT, however, transgender started as a rare physiological belief that a gender was born in the wrong body but now that it's become acceptable more people are changing their genders not because they feel as though they were born in the wrong body but because "monkey see monkey do" in other words more people are doing it simply because they have the option. Additionally we all know that kids are not capable of handling or understanding sexuality, hints the laws on sex with minors. With that being said what makes people think that kids under the age of 18 would be able to process that information without influencing them or confusing them........... if this really goes into affect I can promise if I ever have kids they most certainly will not end up in the public school systems