Hey everybody, I believe that foods containing large quantities of processed fructose, (sugars) alcohol, and fried carbs are clearly unhealthy. (Not that there aren't other unhealthy foods but there is controversy as to the risks.) The economic costs to the public (in healthcare costs and in productivity losses) are greater then all the profits that company's make by selling unhealthy foods.
Now some may argue that government interference with the free market is an attack on freedom. To this I say 1. that the in the preamble of the constitution It mentions the right to life BEFORE the right to liberty or the pursuit of happiness. 2 we already subsidize and tax lots of other stuff for less compelling reasons. 3. Companies can't sell their products without public investment (roads bridges police etc.). Therefore it is only fair that company's payback the public the FULL economic cost of there products.
Our first moral and political obligation to others is to respect people's rights. There is no higher political priority and there is no valid excuse to infringe on people's rights. Wanting people to be healthy is fine, but we do not have a government to make people healthy or even encourage people to be healthy. We have a government for the protection of our rights and not to in any way violate our rights. The rest is up to us to do without the government being involved.
1. Just like if someone is drowning we have a responsibility to save them, so too we have a responsibility to help the poorest who can't afford healthcare access to cheap healthy food. (Remember The constitution in the preamble puts the RIGHT TO LIFE BEFORE THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY). 2. It costs me indirectly through healthcare and productivity costs.
whats it to you what other people eat