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Lee Scott
May 26, 2021
@Ella Surakka God has said do not murder HUMANS. God was actually the first one to kill a animal in order to clothe Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden after they had partaken of the forbidden fruit. He put them on the earth for the human race to utilize as food, clothing, work animals, etc in order to help his plan go forth and to frankly keep the human race alive. I have also been taught to eat meat sparingly by my religion for as long as I can remember and to respect animals. I do not condone the inhumane treatment of animals, but you need to learn the difference between Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, because you keep mixing the two up. Animals are animals, not people. They do not have the same instincts or reasoning skills that the human race possesses. Considering this fact, there are managing techniques that are used in order to keep the other animals around them safe, even though it might not seem fair to the animal it happens too. Some examples consist of dehorning cattle, debeaking chickens, and farrowing crates for pigs. These techniques are used in order to keep the animal and the other animals around them safe. Now don't get me wrong, there are farms that treat their animals inhumanely and there are organizations and people who are trying to help them. One awesome example of this is a woman named Temple Grandin. She revolutionized the cattle industry by coming up with multiple techniques to help with humanely managing and slaughtering cattle and hogs which are used in thousands of farms in the country today.
Police are here to keep law in order, a service for the people. Back the blue, try and disagree WITH actual FACTS!
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American greatness
In Speak your mind!
Gun control
In Speak your mind!
Lee Scott
Oct 30, 2020
There are a few issues I see with your argument logically and factually. We do have the highest gun violence rate in the country, but if you were to to take out the city New Orleans, Detroit, St Louis, and Baltimore the United States would have a crime rate that is the 3rd lowest in the world. The issue with this is the fact that those four cities have the strictest gun laws in the country. If you take away firearms away from the people, only law abiding citizens are going to turn in their weapons, not criminals. By that point you have disarmed the people who only want to defend themselves from getting shot. The average wait time in the united states for an officer after a 911 call is around 20 minutes. A bullet only takes a millisecond and at that point you and your family are dead by the time the officer comes to the scene. There is a reason the shooters target schools, there are no protection for the children in the schools. The few schools that have signs stating that there are faculty carrying have had zero shootings. There are many cities around where I live where antifa riots attempted to take place. Many of them have been told off by the locals simply by carrying a fire arm in order to protect themselves and their property from a terrorist group. Finally, this is a free country and we are aloud to have fire arms in order keep it that way. Freedom is a huge value in our country and having the right to bear arms and assemble is how we keep the government from completely taking over our lives. When Stalin came into power the first item he took was guns. When Hitler came into power, he made a gun control law which was used by the Nazis to disarm the Jewish people in 1933. Both of these men slaughtered millions of people. So sorry, I'm not going to give up my guns any time soon, there are to many dangers in this world. I will protect my family and freedom.
Should Trump get voted again?
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Should Trump get voted again?
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Lee Scott
Oct 30, 2020
@mdupuy1954 Heck Yeah!!
Thoughts on Trump's first term as President?
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Should Trump get voted again?
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WOW! a BLACK that agrees BLACK LIVES MATTER is racist! :)
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Lee Scott

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