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Nonbinary is a TREND.
In Debate Topics
Jan 21, 2022
When I went to HS, there was a considerable population of girls that would claim to be "bisexual" but the only "bisexual" behaviors they engaged in were kissing a girl at a party while drunk. These types of girls all ended up becoming "non-binary". Coincidence? No. Claiming to be bisexual made them feel like they stood out. "I'm not like the other girls!" they all thought, doing the same thing. To be fair, some of them were, I'm sure bisexual, but it usually manifested in mere sluttiness. Now nobody cares about your sexual orientation, so gender identity is the hot new thing to be special for. Suddenly, 3-4 years later "non-binary" becomes commonly accepted vernacular and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE GIRLS (no exaggeration) changed their pronouns. They dress like girls, wear makeup, get cutesy pink dyed hair, many "NB" people I meet have hundreds of stuffed animals (weird thing to bring up I know but it's not an inconsiderable number of people) and they will talk and act like women. Nothing they do is gender neutral, and it's all hidden under the guise of being able to present however they please, because if you doubt their authenticity you are being a bigot. Are all of them like this? No, probably not. Is the amount of people who can be described this way vastly higher than those who are authentic? Absolutely. Where are all the 70 year old NB people who presented male their entire lives? Why do they all seem to be alternative girls with assorted mental illnesses or bad childhoods and unrestricted internet access at a young age? Or washed up celebrities rebounding from drug addiction? Because it's a way to get attention. I know one non-binary person who was born male, he was always effeminate (nothing wrong with that, I can relate to it honestly) and hung out primarily with these "bisexual" girls. Wow, look at that, he's NB now. This is happens more often than you would think. Entire friend groups changing gender identity, even to the point of getting HRT, HAPPENS. That's not natural. Statistically, this is just impossible. I have no problem speaking to you or calling you however you want. I really couldn't give a **** if you want me to call you they/them, I'll be nice and friendly but good god if it isn't obvious exactly WHAT YOU ARE as an "NB" person. You're yet another sad example of either internet grooming, bad parenting, lack of passion for anything, or more likely a combination of all three.


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